Simple, Easy and Free to try Mouse Automation Utility for Mac to automate Left or Right Mouse Button Clicking. The Auto Clicker provides multiple ways to Start and Stop the Auto Clicking of Mouse Cursor. Depending on your convenience and usage you can use any of the available options to Start and Stop the Clicking of this Auto Clicker for Mac.
Download Auto Clicker for Mac
Download Auto Clicker on Mac running latest version of Apple Operating System running on Intel 64 bit Machines. This Mouse Automation Utility is provided on a try before buy basis or in other words is a shareware application. You do not need to pay anything to download and try out this Mouse Automation Utility. After Free Trial, you can Unlock the Trial Limitations of Auto Clicker by by paying in USD 6.54 and use it for upto 6 Months on 1 Mac from the Date of Payment.
In case you would like to see installation procedure and all the features of this Mac Auto Clicker, then do Watch the Video Tutorial of the Software which displays how to download, install and use this Mouse Click Automation Utility. On other Mac versions the installation procedure of Mac Auto Clicker is almost the same.
Mac OS X Instructions to Download & Install Mac Auto Clicker
- Download and Save the Auto Clicker by from link mentioned above and save it to Downloads or to Some Other Folder.
- Open Downloads Folder in Finder or other Location where you have Downloaded the MurGaa Auto Clicker Setup File.
- Right Click on Downloaded Auto Clicker Setup and from the Menu, Click on Open.
- From the Message Box which appears asking whether to Open the Application, Click on Open and Continue the Installation.
2: OP AutoClicker. OP auto click is a complete package of auto-clicker in itself and way better than other ordinary auto clickers you will find. The OP auto clicker comes with two different modes that allow you to auto click in a dynamic variety of ways. Auto multiple clicks GS Auto Clicker is a useful tool to automatically click mouse instead of hand. If you click mouse frequently when you are playing game or working, this application can release your finger and save your time. Max Auto Clicker is free software, extreme fast and easy to use with no hard or advanced settings. The fundamental function of this autoclicker is to emulate and automate mouse clicking and help you get a rid of repeated click tasks on any locations, for example while playing video games on computer. Tested & 100% working, Max Auto Clicker is an efficient cross-platforms application therefore. Random Mouse Clicker. Random Mouse Clicker is yet another auto clicker for Mac that is a product of MurGaa software. Akin to the aforementioned – Auto Clicker (Murgaa), this a freeware software that simulates mouse clicks on Mac. The software can automate left, middle and right mouse buttons. Mac OS X Instructions to Download & Install Mac Auto Clicker Download and Save the Auto Clicker by from link mentioned above and save it to Downloads or to Some Other Folder. Open Downloads Folder in Finder or other Location where you have Downloaded the MurGaa Auto Clicker Setup File.
Macintosh Auto Clicker with Configurable Keyboard Shortcut
Another Macintosh Auto Clicker which can be used along with a configurable keyboard shortcut. This Automatic Fast Clicker Software works on Latest Version of Macintosh Operating System.
Safe Auto Clicker For Mac
Automate Multiple Mouse Click with a Macro
The Mac Auto Mouse Click is another Mac Auto Clicker which can click according to the mouse locations stored in the script.
Auto Clicker Download
Free Auto Clicker Without Downloading
Download more Mac Automation Software Utilities to automate Mouse Clicking and Keyboard Typing.